PVMetal Animation Furballs
Fresh meat.
Tastes so delicious.
Especially accompanied by your screams.
Your flesh I eat.
Take from your arms and seal the wounds.
Bicep patties served with bloody butter cream.
        Now it’s time for the kill, your suffering’s finally done.
        Liver pancakes and organs served on a bun.
        Time for my special dessert of the day.
        Peel back the scalp, my tribal ancestor’s way.
               What the fuck happened with my gourmet meal?
               I can’t even speak, it’s just a faint squeal.
               Nobody warned me that this shit would happen!
                       Furballs! Furballs!
                       Motherfucking furballs!
                       What the fuck happened, why am I still hacking furballs?!
                       One simple meal is all I ask, but what I get is furballs!
New fresh meat.
Much more delicious.
Extraordinary flavor with the feminine screams.
Your tits I eat.
Make little tasty nipple meatballs.
Two fine hams in boiled breastmilk cream.
        It’s now your time to die, I’ll miss your suffering.
        But hungry thoughts of tender meat have got me quivering.
        Time for the greatest treat of all time.
        Some say it tastes just like tuna, but it’s much more sublime.
               What the fuck happened? This great meal let me down.
               I can hardly breathe, like I’m starting to drown.
               Nobody warned me of this fuzzy nightmare.
                       Furballs! Furballs!
                       Motherfucking furballs!
                       What the fuck happened, why am I still hacking furballs?!
                       One simple meal is all I ask but what I get is furballs!
I can’t take it anymore, so I guess I’ll just eat myself!
© Steven Launstein 2016